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Información sobre ADHESIVOS TECNICOS Y TROQUELADOS, S.L. instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instalados

GeoIP Redirect
GeoIP Redirect simplifies browsing for customers by automatically directing them to the website in their preferred language and currency based on their geographical location.
De presupuestos a facturas
Facturas y pagos
Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
Sitio web
Constructor de sitio web empresarial
Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
Gestionar la contabilidad financiera y analítica.
Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
Organiza y planea tus proyectos
Comercio electrónico
Venda sus productos online
Fabricar Órdenes & Listas de Materiales
Marketing por email
Diseñar, enviar y gestionar correos electrónicos
Cree y personalice sus aplicaciones Odoo
Gestión de documentos
Asigne días libres y siga las solicitudes de días libres
Proceso de Selección
Seguimiento al flujo de reclutamiento
Centralice la información de los empleados
Account Financial Reports
OCA Financial Reports
Audit Log
Segumiento a equipo y administración de solicitudes de mantenimiento
MIS Builder
Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
Odoo Direct Print PRO
Print any reports or shipping labels directly to any local, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth printer without downloading PDF or ZPL! Keywords: Odoo Print, Odoo Printing Solution, Print Directly from Odoo, Odoo Direct Print, Cloud Printing for Odoo, Local Printer Integration, Print Labels from Odoo, Print Reports from Odoo, Wi-Fi Printer for Odoo, Bluetooth Printer for Odoo, Direct Print Cloud Service, Print Using Cloud Service, PrintNode Alternative, PrintNode for Odoo, Odoo to Cloud Printer, Cloud Printing Automation, Print Shipping Labels in Odoo, Shipping Label Printing from Odoo, Print ZPL from Odoo, Odoo Label Printing, Barcode Printing for Odoo, Print Custom Labels, Print Directly without Downloading, Print Without Downloading PDF, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Printer Support, Automatic Printing in Odoo, Print Automation for Odoo, ZPL Printer Support for Odoo, Seamless Printing Integration, Automated Print Workflow, ERP Printing Solution, Odoo Print Module, Direct Print Integration, Fast Printing from Odoo
PostgreSQL Query Deluxe
Invoice Quantity Pack | Bill Quantity Pack | Credit Note Quantity Pack | Debit Note Quantity Pack
Product Quantity Pack,Bundle Product Quantity,Invoice Bundle Product, Manage Product Package, Product Quantity In Bags,Invoice Products In Bunch, Combo Products Quantity,Bill Product Pack,Credit Note Product Quantity,Debit Note Product Qty Pack Odoo
Base Product Quantity Pack
Sale Order Quantity Pack,Purchase Order Quantity Pack,Bundle Product Quantity, Manage Product Package, Product Quantity In Bags, Combo Products Quantity,Bunch Product Quantity, Product Qty Pack,Invoice Quantity Pack,Inventory Quantity Pack Odoo
Attendance Location Information
Attendance Information,Attendance With Map,Check-In Send Message Odoo, Check-Out Send Notes App, Send Login Comments Module, Send Message In Logout, Get Check In Location, Get GeoLocation With Map, Get Check Out Location Odoo
Import Product Packaging From CSV file | Import Product Packaging From Excel file
Import Product Package Import From Product Package Import Packaging In Product Import Product Packaging With Product Quantity Import Product Packaging With Quantity Import Packaging With Contained Product Quantities Odoo
Popup Message
create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo
Product Social Media Sharing
Product Share On Social Media, Social Platform Product Share, website Product Share App, Shop Product Social Share, Product Sharing Odoo, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Whatsapp, Email,Reddit,Hacker News, Digg,TumblrShare Product
Alternative Products Management
Set Alernative Products Add Alternative Products Alternative Products Selection Manage Alternative Products Related Products Management Add Related Product Set Related Product Variant Alternative Product Variants Odoo
Sale Order Quantity Pack | Quotation Quantity Pack
Product Quantity Pack,Bundle Product Quantity,Invoice Bundle Product, Manage Product Package, Product Quantity In Bags,Sale Products Pack, Combo Products Quantity,SO Product Pack,Bunch Product Quantity, Product Qty Pack Odoo
Hide Unavailable Variants
Hide Unavailable Variants on the website
Controle la calidad de sus productos
Gestiona y publica en una plataforma eLearning
Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
Centralice su libreta de direcciones
Programa las reuniones de empleados
Marketing Social
Gestiona las visitas que tienen tus redes sociales y tu sitio web
Programar citas con los clientes.
Segumiento a asistencias de empleados
Código de barras
Use lectores de código de barras para procesar operaciones logísticas
Empleos en línea
Gestione su proceso de contratación online.
Contratos de los empleados

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